Thursday, June 20, 2013

I write short works of fiction with a slight metaphysical twist. I also write poetry.

Right now, I have three short stories available.

They are only available as Ebooks.

Here is my profile page for Smashwords, where you can purchase two of the stories and there is even one for FREE!

I am currently working on "20 Poems about Nothing", which is a selection of 20 short poems with slight relations to each other, but not really about anything specific, or are they?

Here is a photo of food I've made... mmmm... It is a monster omelet I made years ago...

It was made with wild boar sausage. It is boar that was shot at a ranch near Mt. Hamilton in northern California. It was processed with a little domestic pig fat to bind it. Boar is very lean and delicious.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Stuffed Yellow Bell Pepper recipe!

I have made these a few times. Here is the basic recipe that I used for them. I like Yellow Bells the best. My mom used to make a similar recipe with green peppers, which is more traditional, but I use the sweeter yellow ones.

Stuffed Yellow Bell Peppers!


One Pound of Ground Turkey

Canola Oil, Tomato sauce, canned or fresh sliced mushrooms,

 Chili Powder, Ground Black Pepper, Garlic Powder
Dried Dill, Paprika and Olive Oil

about 1 or 2 cups of Shredded cheese of your choice. Preferable Italian, like mozzarella. I mixed these two. 

Also, tomato ketchup.

Also needed: 

Serving plate
cutting board
baking pan
a large pot to boil in
frying or sautee pan
good kitchen knife
a few forks

I may have missed something. Read my instructions and check  the photos just in case.

My semi-vague instructions:


1. wash, decapitate and gut the yellow bells. Save at least one of the top yellow slices. You will need this later.

2. put on a big pot of water to boil on medium heat. Put bells and extra piece in it. Flip them so the bottoms are up. Switch them every once in a while to get an even cooking. Boil, while you are cooking the turkey.

3. Fry turkey to loose consistency in pan with Canola oil.

4. add pepper (a few small dashes), salt (about 1/2 teaspoon), garlic powder (a teaspoon), lots of garlic powder at the beginning of the turkeys cooking process. when it looks like it is more than two thirds cooked (use a meat thermometer if needed. Look up proper temperatures online), add Dill (about 1 teaspoon), paprika (about 1 teaspoon), chili powder 9about 1 or 2 teaspoons) and mix them in one at a time. Adjust each spice to your preference, a little more for more flavor, or less for milder flavor. I like lots of flavor. be careful not to overdue the salt.

5. Once the turkey looks just barely almost fully cooked, add about 1/2 cup sliced mushrooms. Drizzle some olive oil on the mushrooms and let them saute a bit in the turkey. 

6. Once the mushrooms are starting to look cooked, add one small can of tomato sauce. Let this cook down a little bit, like spaghetti sauce. Also, add a little bit more chili powder and basil to taste. Basil is the key ingredient.


6.5. NOTE: Check the bells and see that they are softening up. You can see how done they are by checking the extra piece. If the fork can cut through it with only a little force, than turn off the heat and remove them. Set them aside upside down on a plate to drain.

7. Once the meat and sauce mix is starting to smell good, turn off its heat and allow it to cool for a few minutes.

7.5. at this time preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

8. Place bells on a baking tray/ cookie sheet with their hole side up.

9. quickly mix about a cup of shredded cheese with 

the meat in the pan.

10. Using a spoon, fill each bell with the turkey mixture to the brim. I managed to fill all of the bells to the brim with no excess mix left.

11.dab and spread around about a teaspoons worth of ketchup on the top of each bell. This will bake into a nice little crust.

12. Bake in the oven on the middle rack at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.

13. Remove from oven and let them cool for about ten minutes.

14. Serve them up with your favorite side. This is if you are thinking about one. I ate two of these with no side dish and it was delicious.


 ALSO, On The Art side of things, I will be here:

Friday, June 28th

6:30 to 10:30p.m.

Finally the San Jose Art Scene Is Spreading to the Village. That's right your most popular artist to even some fresh new faces will be gathering every month for a NEW ART WALK IN EVERGREEN!!! The artist will be accompanied by music. Art is for sale and live painters are present. See you there. Don't be a square and Share Share Share!

Over 15 artist will have their creations for sale!


Andre' Hart
John Cloud
Anthony Barbaria
Mark Martinez

And many More to be announced soon.

And Music:

Playing from 6:30 until 8:30

They will also be showing a film from 8:30 to 10:30p.m.

From Bayshore Freeway (Hwy. 101)
Take the E. Capitol Expressway Exit
Turn Right on Aborn Road
Turn Right on Ruby Ave.
Evergreen Village is Straight Ahead


You can also buy prints of my work from my Deviant Art print shop: